People FAQ

Aren't employees tired of surveys?

We think employees are tired of answering surveys for someone else without getting anything back. Usually, the topic of a transformation comes on top of people's normal work. If answering a questionnaire means getting smart, snackable tips & tricks to get the implementation done, it motivates - not thwart - people to answer. After all, it saves them tons of time later on: no more spending time on non-priorities or on reinventing the wheel.

Do employee feel pressured to answer?

We don't think so. For example, we always advice clients to make a "name"-field not mandatory. Still, 85% of respondents fill in their name anyhow. More than 95% indicates that they are willing to share knowledge about the topics in the questionnaire. Don't pressure respondents, threat them as valuable resources.

Is information worthless when respondents answer anonymously?

Certainly not. When respondents skip questions it's because that question is either too difficult or too sensitive: very informative to know.

How do workers councils view PRAIORITZE?

Very positively. 1. We do not ask to judge; we ask for verifiable facts/behavior. 2. We ask for actual situation and ambition as we value their views on the near future. 3. We give something back. In fact, answering a questionnaire for 5-10 minutes yields, on average, 75 hours productivity/time. 4. We connect people as everyone does something else right: everyone their 15 minutes of fame.


PRAIORITIZE is the world’s first SaaS platform for Virtual Consultancy. We use artificial intelligence to help organizations digitally transform in a smart, efficient and science-based way. PRAIORITIZE is owned and operated by Transparency Lab, a Dutch employee-owned company. We started in 2008, understood patterns around 2016 and started with generative A.I. in 2020.

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