Academic papers
Our academic papers focus on discovering patterns in organizational transformations through artificial intelligence. These papers provide cutting-edge research and analysis on A.I. to analyze, improve and monitor transformation across all levels of the organization. With a focus on pattern recognition, our papers offer valuable insights for researchers, academics, and business leaders looking to harness the power of A.I. to drive organizational success.
News releases
Everyone Does Something Else Right: Underpinning Knowledge Sharing in Organizational Transformations
Everyone their 15 minutes of fame.
Artificial Intelligence helps to set SIX times smarter targets
Transformations require smart improvement targets so resources are well spent, and morale keeps up. Our study among 4,400 teams shows how A.I.. changes the game here.
Underperforming teams in organizational transformations: specific hand-holding required
Management attention needs to be focused to the bottom-20% performing teams.
The absence of focused change in employee ambition
Teams have neither no ambition, no focus, or no realism
Postpone and accelerate improvements in organizational transformations
Approximately 60% of the teams needed to do less to reach the management target, 20% needed to do more, and 20% needed to do much more.
Nudging in changing employee behaviour: a novel approach in organizational transformation
How friendly reminders upend a transformation's communication protocols.